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What is the main reason why the vacuum pump of the sanitation suction truck is hot?
Time:2022-06-18 09:40:50

Now many customers are reporting that the vacuum pump used to clean the dirt truck is easy to get hot in the process of use. This is a problem that many dirt truck users will encounter. Here, the dirt truck manufacturer will introduce to you what causes the vacuum pump to get hot, and what methods can be used to solve this problem. Let's follow the Xiaobian of the sanitation car manufacturer and have a look.

There are two main reasons for the hot vacuum pump of the sewage suction vehicle:

One thing is that there are impurities inside the vacuum pump. The hydraulic oil needs to be changed.

The second point is that there is not much lubricating oil in the vacuum pump.

If there are impurities in the vacuum pump of the sewage truck, the first thing we need to solve is to remove the impurities in the pump, and then replace the hydraulic oil. In addition, we also need to analyze how the impurities are generated. If the impurities are caused by the natural wear of the blade in the pump, then we need to dismantle the pump to see the wear of the blade inside. If the blade is worn too seriously, we need to replace the blade. If the impurities in it belong to the dirt impurities caused by reflux, after cleaning the impurities, it is necessary to pay attention to prevent reflux in the process of using the trash truck in the future. In short, when the vacuum pump is hot and there are impurities, the first thing is to remove the impurities and replace the lubricating oil. You can't muddle along, otherwise it is likely to cause irreparable problems in the vacuum pump. If this happens, the vacuum pump needs to be replaced. Of course, if the second point is that there is not much lubricating oil, you only need to add lubricating oil.

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